Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Alcohol And Swelling Ankles

Designer of death, another great success! Congratulations!

E 'dead at 28 Isabelle Caro.
Isabelle had risen to" honor "of the news for agreeing to pose for a famous photograph by Oliviero Toscani who testified to the terrible devastation of the individual and global Anorexia causes the disease in the body, after taking so much possession of the mind and destroy it by bending it to his dark kingdom.
E 'happened to her and we only heard more than a month later because he was famous. It happens to many girls and women (and in recent years even some boys) and we'll never know because this is a disease that is hidden, denied and it is difficult confront. For everyone.
E 'worth remembering that Isabelle has been a model? One of the girls from noble devastated the ranks of those who smile and designers squittenti sculettano of joy and happiness on TV while their bank accounts swell of trillions without insulting women's bodies, which they fashion designers (certainly not all, but he who is without sin cast the first stone!) cruelly shape the "pedigree" by the brazen theory of physical devastation of the female figure and the subsequent cancellation of that gender, which is both dignity, humanity and beauty unique and incomparable in the Universe .
Thanks to them. Really thanks! May God, and sees that there is, remember their contribution to human civilization! And we can not buy all of us no longer even a rag to wipe the floor with these guys!
are too abrupt?
E 'that pisses me off to the fact that blood and a thinking human being can send in catwalk instead of trying to heal and help and protect and love the immense suffering that must have heart in what looks like a girl in the picture ? (What exactly is Isabelle Caro).
Add this link to a blog that is much better than I do and the topic Comment on this article.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Plans Tobuild A Computer U


Second International Forum - Biodanza social and clinical
system Biodanza, a social education for the quality of life and care

Scientific Secretary:
dr. * Dr. Joan Benatti. * Dr. Eugene Pintore. Andrea Spolaor

Biodanza system, a social education for the quality of life and care

* Three days of workshops with theoretical and practical interventions to disseminate the marketability of the social system Biodanza
Practical lessons in the areas of:
Social Integration (civic projects for the integration and expression specific segments of the human community, as the third and fourth age, immigrants, Roma, Biodanza projects in prisons, human rights)
Biocentric Education (Biodanza projects for families and to the prevention and action against violence intradomestica / in school projects for primary and secondary education)
Biocentric Education / Clinic (Biodanza projects for the integration of children, adolescents and young immigrants / Biodanza for the prevention of child distress in areas at risk)
Clinical Biodanza (projects Biodanza with people with psychic medium and severe disabilities, behavioral problems and neurological disorders / Biodanza for rehabilitation drug and alcohol abuse / eating disorder / social projects for the prevention and stress reduction)
Biodanza for social workers (reduction projects Burn out syndrome in the social / Biodanza in enterprises for the relational quality time with common goals)

* Statements by the most qualified teachers and experts from social Biodanza:
Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Spain
* Speeches and lessons:
psychiatrists and psychotherapists / academics and public exhibition space documentaries
* audio / video and exhibitions from around the world
* Space Art

This Forum will be seeking for the second time as an important event such as a open and interactive space aimed at all practitioners and facilitators of Biodanza interested and involved to a greater contribution of the Biodanza System in the structure of our communities.
Will continue and amplify a fruitful and constructive debate on the increased incidence of extraordinary social education rooted in the principle Biocentric and provide theoretical and practical tools to lead more effectively this model in institutions, in cities and among citizens.
This space is a sum of the results of over ten years of clinical social work and promoted by the Centre Gaja Biodanza Biodanza School of Vicenza and is intended as a call to create a global network of Biodanza
able to reaffirm the social value of happiness

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Friday, March 4 arrivals from 12 to 16 hours
Lectio magistralis and opening conference of the Forum 17 hours

Saturday, March 5 9 / 21 Sunday 6
marzo 9 / 17

Participation costs BY November 30, 2010: € 250 including all workshops, theoretical and practical sessions and workshops enabled the Forum and full board accommodation in double and triple room (single room supplement € 20 per day) from Friday 5 Sunday, March 7.

Location: Spa Hotel Vergilius, convenient to the airports of Venice and Verona and Vicenza to the highway west. Visit the resort Vergilius Businnes

FROM DECEMBER 1, 2010: € 300
All members will receive a certificate of participation

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Reservation be effected by the transfer amount to the following bank: Center Gaja Credito Bergamasco of Vicenza Iban IT86Z0333611800000000001711
The reservation is effective upon registration by money, for any reason the cancellation condition can be considered for refund of the amount paid, but may eventually be transferred to the name of another member.

A short program details here: and
Info and Registration Infoline +39 0444 Gaja 569702 +39338 8992362

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5-6-7 March 2010

Creazzo (VI) Italy
(edited by Andrea Spolaor)
Association Biodanza
Italy Region Veneto
Province of Vicenza
150 members
Brasil Colombia Venezuela
Cooperative Margherita di Vicenza
David & Goliath Vicenza
David & Goliath Malo
Communicating Thiene
Ass Collision Thiene
Ass Diapsigra aid group The wind Noventa
Groups biodance ASL Brescia
John and Andrew are two scientific directors who have believed and believe in this reality
EUGENIO Pintor valuable protector of this great event
LUCIA captain "silent" that never sleeps for you to a month
GIANCARLO CLARA, important components the school of Vicenza
& ANDREA ANDREA all do well to accommodate
LUISA BENATTI responsible for organization and general secretary
FRANCESCO PERRONE chief engineer of the event, personal trainer Gio
ROBERTO, ISMAEL AND ANDREA COORDINATOR Natasha and our eyes behind the lens
ROBERTA ROSE public relations contact with universities and academia
ALESSANDRA MARCHIORI logistical assistance
Pierangelo Colombo & LAS MARIAGABRIELLA DONNINI with CODA and Tiziana ZABET Area biocentric education space for children

Propellerheads Record Authorize

The creation of this forum is the embodiment of a vision of mine that has generated more than 15 years ago, the gestation of this collective event took more than a year of reflection, patience, creativity and work. This forum would not have brought together without faith and the generous cooperation of dozens of people have offered ideas, time, space, resources and support of all kinds.
the time to celebrate reality in tribal form .. I feel a strong desire to thank:
my family, my mum and my partner Louise Francis el'incondizionato support for the patience to tolerate my long absences, and always celebrate my return at home, support and trust of my visions. Lucia, much more than a coordinator of the School of Vicenza, actually something like an angel toscanaccio protection. Pierangelo, Giancarlo, Clara, Ignatius and Francis: the network of Gaja. A heartfelt thanks to the intimacy and support during a long story made up of more than a thousand stories ..
Andrea, psychotherapist "street", a friend long-time companion in adventure gaming and street-view to give word to health rather than disease. Andrea & Andrew, champions of "doing" instead of saying.
Barbara, Daniel and Antonio, they must be the "open houses" and open houses for me is how to make a peaceful revolution!
My beloved students of the 2nd cycle of the School, who believe and support the original idea of \u200b\u200bRolando Toro, a Biodanza street and community. All participants of Biodanza clinical and social groups that have inspired my work: Epiphany, compassionate, brilliant, unconventional, innocent. They know they are the My training Rolando Toro, two-time nominee for the Nobel prize, in my heart already winner of a record of emotional genius, capable of changing the course of human history. Eliane Matuk, for his spiritual closeness and his advice has always helped me to grow in the mission in person and trainer.
Pintore Eugenio Augusto and Magdalene, which led me to organize this Forum. Maite Bernardelle, which kept me by the hand in the first group of Biodanza clinic. Matteo Quero, Biodanza and administrator of our city, close to the idea Biocentric always with purity and generosity.
Association Biodanza Italy, the Veneto Region and the Province of Vicenza, who have offered their patronage, giving strength and credibility to the Forum. The sponsors that have helped to support the management of this immensity Forum: Unicredit Vicenza, Vicenza Credito Bergamasco, Banca Popolare Di Vicenza
A special thanks goes to who is and who will be playing at the Forum, because in Principle Biocentric each of us directs the process of life in the form required. We are all a dance, and who knows what happens.

Joan Benatti
Center Director Gaja
School of Biodanza "Rolando Toro" (Vicenza)
Creator and director of the Scientific Forum

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sock Hop Invitations On A Sock

Anneo Marco Lucano ... sees far: nothing in power.

The determinants Calearo's Friends to trust the government B. (See post below). It 's crazy, but today Italy is in the hands of three subjects of this kind, and others who sell their votes in exchange for the mortgage payments or a place to be a secretary or any prebend. He was already mad that they could be in Parliament. And now maybe you will end up in a history book! This is a country lost in the cosmic nothing! (See picture).

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Does Genital Warts Burst

Things you can not hear ...

But how can people like these aspire to be the elite of the country?
But how can they ask for votes? Movement of national responsibility!! Listen carefully to the reasons for the establishment the new parliamentary group of Calearo's Friends!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Causes Enlarged Uterus And Enlarged Kidney

Things that are good for the heart.

Finally a woman to lead the work. Greetings with all my heart.
"I think that this country has a future. It will be ruled by women"
(Erri De Luca)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Louisiana Drivers License Template

The leader in the party?

welcome with great excitement and sympathy lighting Mara Carfagna that, on the way to a sunset announced, he realizes that his party command "business" ... the Verdini, the Larussa ... even the Cosentino! The joy for this lightning is sincere because Mara seemed to be one of the most faithful to the line, the point of being suspected (unjustly for heaven's sake) to be where he was to have gone along - a lot - the Knight of the Pen Straight (to be distinguished carefully from the Knight of the Dura pen gun that is on the other curves) .
In the front row to attack and to accuse her of "betrayal" for the record, is the granddaughter of the Duce, that the party had deserted him and then get back to doing the job that suits her well, that of guard dog howling . We are waiting for the arrows of the second ex-fugitive and ex-wife of a plastic surgeon who has managed to redo it all ... except the brain ...
But the people where his head to give the country in the hands of certain individuals?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Extreme Grabber Driver

A big hug to Aung San Suu Kyi


Friday, November 12, 2010

High Bilirubin Levels What Does It Mean

We help with all Sakineh and Asia Bibi

"culture" male has thousands of years of practice.
And who practice refines theory.

Who knows the history of humanity - even the "surface" taught in schools - know that, in every age and in every part of the Earth, the power is not exercised simply for his own "health" a momentary, but builds structures of its perpetuation to the end to make this last forever "welfare".
This, even more than for the social classes, that is for the sexes.

Di these structures - simplifying - there are three macrotipi:
- "economy", namely the construction of production cycles and a labor organization that privilege always a part of society, not both to slavery and forcing it through the social and economic dependence ;
- "rules", that imposition of laws, regulations, decrees, anathemas, فتاوى and so on and so forth ... that forbid personal and social behavior, when practiced, bring into question the very legitimacy of the organization ' economy and society;
- "ideology", the true picture frame and set its historical substance. This is structured at a deeper level (almost subliminally) to provide a common basis and unanimistica of "consent" to the whole castle and social "legalize" in the minds of each and every "values" of a society, marginalizing those who bearer values \u200b\u200bof "dangerous" for the social order.

Why play the functions it is necessary that the roles of control are more "penetrating" and disseminated. Are not enough police and courts, it is necessary that the inspectors of the social order are the victims themselves of this order and are located in every neighborhood, every house, every school, every club and church ...
In a word: Who has the power to act primarily in controlling where every society, imposing - sometimes with brutal force, and sometimes with the face of an angel - the structures and rules of that society and thus institutionalizing their "right".

The first concern of those who govern the world - as always with my dearest friend and as is clear to every sensible person - is the oppression of women.
But the purpose? I would suggest - always with my friend and these persons of good sense - the end "tactical" is to gain control of the lives of women to reduce them to slavery to deliver the man to turn so I can vent about his personal "companion" his frustration at the oppression to which he is subjected from power. What
that many men do every day and not get too many questions about the origin of what eventually be considered just a "right", supporting the strategic goal of preserving social order and the dominant male power against women and anyone else / or foreshadow a social order (and human) "other" and dangerous.

But every man (and woman) who has love in my heart for humanity (in which all our lives is reflected), and even to himself, should be clear that the role of poor power that gives him the true power Golden is a pill that conceals shameful gratification - in reality - a perpetual codification of its own slavery to power.
We males should therefore be clear that taking this role play and becoming the "masters of women" means just become slaves!

So one can only collect appeal and take the side of women today are massacred in society, at work and often in their own family circle ...
Remember, economics, law, ideology ...

And, in turn, to appeal to women.
Help us to grow closer to you. And do it also opposing the penetration of power between you, gently but firmly. Male power which requires that role, providing some crumbs of personal gratification to those who are willing to take handmaiden of the powerful (and treacherous condition of its kind) without dragging their feet , it will not matter if the mothers, friends, fathers, friends, women and men together they will rebel and become set free.

Of course it goes without saying that women who have beaten up Asia Bibi, and had given to the male power because "finish the job" are just the long arm of males who have private identity MASK light of the world and continue to hold power and hold it with the ideology and stick. Of course it goes without saying
that women have fallen into this terrible trammel nets are therefore also victims because the meshed network and is very easy to get trapped, and because the power has many and varied tools available, among which fear and violence.
But it goes without saying that the positions adopted by women to "disarm" those hands would be of great use to the redemption men who want to help women (and even themselves) from slavery.

With you close and united we can finally do something we men, "By checking" and fighting in the ranks of our gender as male power structure and superstructure to recirculate energies that can lead to the freedom of humanity in which the gender distinction is a source of mutual curiosity and wealth, joy and pleasure similar to those that every human being when he stops to admire the beauty, variety and diversity of our world.
Something, finally and practically, that will help us to free ourselves permanently - without fear of repercussions - and deeply in the role really live by free human beings.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

John Cena Rap Battle Kenny Dykstra

... What do they eat carrion? The first

This Marco Zucchetti, craft, home pennivendolo Berlusconi, already distinguished for items like this: "The new 'business' of the CGIL? Just metalworkers Roma and Serbs here," "Silvio loved by celebrities the world while in Italy the left Rosica," "The poet has changed Vendola" hero "by Carlo Giuliani Fini" and other pearls that those who have time to lose (like me) can go and read on site of The Journal wants a medal in more and publishes an article in which he attacks the traditional way carognesco none other than Father Alex Zanotelli.
The article in question - which I do not put the link should not be linked because some shit ever - titled "In the battle between TV frantic father beats Zanotelli Lerner" and is such a jumble of shame that I let the speaker more than I know the topic.
was back (I copy / paste) the letter from Don Renato Sacco, of Pax Christi, which offers a lesson in civilization at Inc. pennivendolo, which states: Dear Mr
. Marco Zucchetti,
I read your article in the Journal of October 27, 2010: 'In the battle between TV frantic father beats Zanotelli Lerner'.
I am writing not to go into the content (waste disposal in Campania, etc.). And not to take up the defense office of Father Alex Zanotelli or Gad Lerner. I think the people who know how to be above a certain way of writing, and certainly did not need to be defended by me.
I find, in fact, his article really disgusting, especially on the tone used against people. I think its really rude to write Father Zanotelli, stressing his clothes .... Already we have seen discredit the work of one person, a judge in Milan, from the color of socks. In his article, p. Zanotelli is almost ridiculed for wearing a "Magnum PI Hawaiian shirt worthy of a trip to the King Kamehameha Club, pashmina rainbow monumental ring on his finger ..."
Maybe she does not know that p. Zanotelli, which continues to be a missionary and not 'ex' as she wrote, he lived for 10 years in the Korogocho slum on the outskirts of Nairobi. I do not think you ever went there. I have been there only a week, and I assure you that is a situation circle of hell. The shirt that p. Alex wears is not Hawaiian, but ... is made by a cooperative of women's own slum where he lived. At least for this deserves a bit 'more respect, do not you think? And the 'monumental ring' is the covenant of loyalty to the indigenous peoples. Wearing a ring that is a big commitment to a person, not a ground on which to play.
P. Zanotelli, currently editor of Mosaic of Peace, to which I collaborate, sponsored by Pax Christi, has all our respect and our gratitude for his constant, consistent and courageous witness. Since most of the past.
I regret that, as is increasingly the case, instead of addressing the issues of ... address the people, perhaps putting them in ridiculous to turn off the power and prophetic witness, reducing them, as you say, a 'frantic'.
Sincerely, Don Renato Sacco

Bravo Don Sacco, you said what people have in their hearts they know what the work and participation in the sufferings of many men of religion, daily, constant, exhausting ... while your boss - Zucchetti blockhead! - Is bought and spupazza poor girls victims before the eyes dell'inamovibile moderate electorate!
Meditation is the least we can do!

Friday, November 5, 2010

External Blu Ray Burner With Hdmi

victims of war ...

The first casualty of war is me. The first victim of War is the poetry and humanity. My story is this one, consigned to history in a short, but that is about all my life, I assure you that was very very intense.
Marco Lucano Anneo (Cordova, November 3, 39 - Rome, 30 April 65) was a Roman poet. Son of Mark Anneo Mela, was the nephew of Lucius Seneca Anneo and, thanks to the influence of his uncle, entered the court of Nero, in honor of which proclaimed, in a race that turned poetic winner, Laudes Neronis.
This was the brightest period in the life of Lucan. His poem, the Pharsalia (Bellum is headed in the manuscripts but civil, "Civil War") was also acclaimed. The
fate of the poet, however, changed radically when he fell into disgrace with the Emperor. The causes of this change in relations between the two are not clear. Some scholars have speculated that the reasons they were residing in a personal grudge, others have seen a logical consequence of the previous removal of his uncle Seneca, and others have accused the main cause filorepubblicana the position taken by Lucan in his work. In 65
Lucan also took part in the conspiracy of Piso. When it was discovered, he was forced to commit suicide at the age of 25, even though he was promised immunity in exchange for the termination of the mother, and his father was banished and his mother managed to escape from Rome. To his widow, Polla Argentaria, Dedicated one of Statius Silvae.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Herpes On The Lower Back?

The first casualty of war ...

It 's a bit of time to be silent and listen. Listening
violated women everywhere, the animals are beaten and vivisection, the children at the mercy of evil, the poor are left to their fate, the patients excluded from civil life ...
And it's a bit 'of time that everything is becoming very clear. It 's very clear, for example, we have constructed around a castle of lies on the very meaning of life.
For many years this work is in progress, everywhere in the world. The architects are the powerful, who have double-or caftan according to oppress the oppressed.
And then change our hearts can not be more than a nice slogan, but you have to really change your heart and end up with eyes in the eye and shake hands. And take the helm and jump in the storms and groped at least to reverse course - because this is our very humanity that is violated and distorted ... For example
what has happened so far in Iraq have called it "freedom"!
How do you call it?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Redemption Of Hh Bonds

Reza Khan and the other children

I am very sad. And see the sadness is too much silence. How many are there Reza Khan in Pakistan, India, Africa, South America? How many of the Romanians in the other Europe, the Albanians, the rural slum of Russia and the U.S.? Zen in Palermo and around the world. Do not listen to the voice of love (of which say they are tenants) is the cause. The fragrant rulers are cursed in every continent! And damn is their laziness!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Crossword Maker Mac Os

Tell me ... I'll tell you who you are! A

After Lukashenko praised publicly, that nice person who rules Belarus and the United States itself (through the mouth of a dove, like Condoleezza Rice!) Defined as "the last dictator and tyrant Europe, after a display of personal friendship and boundless affection for Vladimir Putin (which has a lot on his conscience, but so many many more that you can not!), our cares to welcome with open arms, kiss the hands and offer the forefront of our country to Gaddafi, one of the worst dictators of the world.
All while the whole world sees what's happening where, as Colonel says, "women are more respected," (see the case of Sakineh Ashtiani) .
Covers of shit ad nauseum ... but do not forget that every people deserves the government that condones!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Historic Saddle Riggings Rimfire

premiuccio, just to enjoy. We try to earthquakes

Once upon a time (we are in the late '70s) a CEO of a real estate company named Edilnord.
His name was, and is, Guido Podesta.
You say, "What is now president of province of Milan? . yesss. lü Prop!
You say, "... one of the Edilnord Berlusca, chairman of the board?" yesss. quela Prop!
Do not be surprised then if the employee benefit is now preparing to deliver a nice prize to his master than before (but just one time? - Podesta was brought to the August office of President of the province from its Berlusca ...)
>>>>>>>>>>> > The award is the "Greater Milan" and then it took a great motivation!
Look here ', "leading statesman of rare ability and responsibility with clear awareness the country towards a future of free men and women who make up a cohesive society based on love, tolerance and respect for life ".
" crazy stuff ... " say. No way! Why
"... with extraordinary vision and ability has made Milan his beloved city, great in Italy and worldwide,"
and reinforced: "... has chosen to make its contribution deals with courage in the service of the Italian people is pursuing the mission of freedom ".
It was not enough:" People from the extraordinary charisma is loved by many Italians because a man among the people and the people, which understands the needs deeper knowledge to interpret expectations "
!!!!!!!!!! these exclamation points are mine, everything else is stuff them.
happen, well, creepy things to do. My primary school teacher would say " stuff nails! "
ad personam" laws are not enough, the robberies, the brazen lies, the figures of international shit, violation of rules, the friendships with meritorious Honor Society and so on ... to make us understand Caesar Caesar is right even if there anagrafe ago Silvio slam on the teeth also premiuccio.
But I'm just faces immeasurable tolla or is there more?
remember the good Enzo Biagi, who claimed that if he had tits, our prime minister would also aspire to make the announcement.
remember that such a writer named Nicolas Chamfort (French eighteenth century, just to show that a crumb of the culture ... I also have) said that while there are people who would rise to show off to the gallows ... (and also said that there are those, to cook the eggs, do not hesitate to burn your house).
I also remember that there is a country in the world, North Korea's "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-il, son of the "eternal president" Kim Il-sung, who risks seeming like more and more. A country in the late Tiziano Terzani once said "the fact that people believe this is to live in Paradise is the biggest success Regime ".
And here to stay with people who believe in heaven there is far too much!
Meditation is the least we can do ...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vegetarian Restaurant Soho

a bit '...

I do a simple copy / paste of an e-mail published who owns the beautiful blog of Love Party to bear witness to how little truth to the hype and TV communication of government (which is + or - same thing), we have served up on the earthquake in L'Aquila. .. Read and meditate is the least we can do!

report on Roby (precious) shown here the link to the post can not be , Miss Kappa.

Yesterday I phoned The use of a debt collection company on behalf of Sky. She says she is girlfriend in September 2009 and asks why. I say that from April 4 of last year I left my home and I have not returned because the earthquake, the sky decoder lies crushed under the weight of a wall collapsed. Mutes, apologizes and says he will present to the proper authorities. Then, thoughtful, asking me if now, after a year, everything is fine. He says he was lucky enough to visit L'Aquila a couple of years ago, recalls in particular a paved stairs leading down from the Cathedral to the Basilica of Collemaggio. I salt the lump in my throat and tell her that I lived there. She fell silent again, then asks me how my city today. I tell her of the old garrison, I can not go home when I want, which, however, the thieves go there undisturbed. Of the buildings left there to die and that there is no money to rebuild, or to help us survive. That from July 1, will return to pay taxes and contributions, even if we do not work, and pay the the. Us and mortgages on destroyed homes, and evenly spread the payments of loans even for those who have nothing. That, in July, an earthquake with a gross salary of € 2000 will only pay 734 € in an envelope of net earnings. That not only come back to pay taxes, but will return immediately all those not paid by April 6. That the state does not pay to 27,000 people homeless people who manage on their own, even that small contribution of 200 Euros per month which should help them pay rent. That rents have tripled, with no control. I pay, in a village of 500 souls, as Bertolaso \u200b\u200bpaid for an apartment in Via Giulia in Rome. The talk of the new neighborhoods built at a price of luxury residences, hives without a soul, without even a newspaper or a bar. The story of a dying town, and she was like ".. it is not possible that you do not know any of this. You can not stay that way. Call the television journalists. You tell him. Call the press. They have to write it.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Tanning Salon Slogans

Loving Army. Microbial adhesion.

Loving Army is nothing more than a connection between microorganisms ... are microbes, and we realize it, and that is why we hope. Why .. if a single virus can destroy healthy bodies until recently, salvation must be more antibodies that each medicine. And we want to be this: that antibodies, regardless of the outcome, they know their duty. We recognize the need to fight and therefore we are committed, each in his own little sphere, to make a recovery. We would also hopeless is the task of the antibodies. But deep down we are confident in our power, we believe in fairy tales. We are David against Goliath.