Thursday, December 16, 2010

Plans Tobuild A Computer U


Second International Forum - Biodanza social and clinical
system Biodanza, a social education for the quality of life and care

Scientific Secretary:
dr. * Dr. Joan Benatti. * Dr. Eugene Pintore. Andrea Spolaor

Biodanza system, a social education for the quality of life and care

* Three days of workshops with theoretical and practical interventions to disseminate the marketability of the social system Biodanza
Practical lessons in the areas of:
Social Integration (civic projects for the integration and expression specific segments of the human community, as the third and fourth age, immigrants, Roma, Biodanza projects in prisons, human rights)
Biocentric Education (Biodanza projects for families and to the prevention and action against violence intradomestica / in school projects for primary and secondary education)
Biocentric Education / Clinic (Biodanza projects for the integration of children, adolescents and young immigrants / Biodanza for the prevention of child distress in areas at risk)
Clinical Biodanza (projects Biodanza with people with psychic medium and severe disabilities, behavioral problems and neurological disorders / Biodanza for rehabilitation drug and alcohol abuse / eating disorder / social projects for the prevention and stress reduction)
Biodanza for social workers (reduction projects Burn out syndrome in the social / Biodanza in enterprises for the relational quality time with common goals)

* Statements by the most qualified teachers and experts from social Biodanza:
Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Spain
* Speeches and lessons:
psychiatrists and psychotherapists / academics and public exhibition space documentaries
* audio / video and exhibitions from around the world
* Space Art

This Forum will be seeking for the second time as an important event such as a open and interactive space aimed at all practitioners and facilitators of Biodanza interested and involved to a greater contribution of the Biodanza System in the structure of our communities.
Will continue and amplify a fruitful and constructive debate on the increased incidence of extraordinary social education rooted in the principle Biocentric and provide theoretical and practical tools to lead more effectively this model in institutions, in cities and among citizens.
This space is a sum of the results of over ten years of clinical social work and promoted by the Centre Gaja Biodanza Biodanza School of Vicenza and is intended as a call to create a global network of Biodanza
able to reaffirm the social value of happiness


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