Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Alcohol And Swelling Ankles

Designer of death, another great success! Congratulations!

E 'dead at 28 Isabelle Caro.
Isabelle had risen to" honor "of the news for agreeing to pose for a famous photograph by Oliviero Toscani who testified to the terrible devastation of the individual and global Anorexia causes the disease in the body, after taking so much possession of the mind and destroy it by bending it to his dark kingdom.
E 'happened to her and we only heard more than a month later because he was famous. It happens to many girls and women (and in recent years even some boys) and we'll never know because this is a disease that is hidden, denied and it is difficult confront. For everyone.
E 'worth remembering that Isabelle has been a model? One of the girls from noble devastated the ranks of those who smile and designers squittenti sculettano of joy and happiness on TV while their bank accounts swell of trillions without insulting women's bodies, which they fashion designers (certainly not all, but he who is without sin cast the first stone!) cruelly shape the "pedigree" by the brazen theory of physical devastation of the female figure and the subsequent cancellation of that gender, which is both dignity, humanity and beauty unique and incomparable in the Universe .
Thanks to them. Really thanks! May God, and sees that there is, remember their contribution to human civilization! And we can not buy all of us no longer even a rag to wipe the floor with these guys!
are too abrupt?
E 'that pisses me off to the fact that blood and a thinking human being can send in catwalk instead of trying to heal and help and protect and love the immense suffering that must have heart in what looks like a girl in the picture ? (What exactly is Isabelle Caro).
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