Thursday, December 16, 2010

Propellerheads Record Authorize

The creation of this forum is the embodiment of a vision of mine that has generated more than 15 years ago, the gestation of this collective event took more than a year of reflection, patience, creativity and work. This forum would not have brought together without faith and the generous cooperation of dozens of people have offered ideas, time, space, resources and support of all kinds.
the time to celebrate reality in tribal form .. I feel a strong desire to thank:
my family, my mum and my partner Louise Francis el'incondizionato support for the patience to tolerate my long absences, and always celebrate my return at home, support and trust of my visions. Lucia, much more than a coordinator of the School of Vicenza, actually something like an angel toscanaccio protection. Pierangelo, Giancarlo, Clara, Ignatius and Francis: the network of Gaja. A heartfelt thanks to the intimacy and support during a long story made up of more than a thousand stories ..
Andrea, psychotherapist "street", a friend long-time companion in adventure gaming and street-view to give word to health rather than disease. Andrea & Andrew, champions of "doing" instead of saying.
Barbara, Daniel and Antonio, they must be the "open houses" and open houses for me is how to make a peaceful revolution!
My beloved students of the 2nd cycle of the School, who believe and support the original idea of \u200b\u200bRolando Toro, a Biodanza street and community. All participants of Biodanza clinical and social groups that have inspired my work: Epiphany, compassionate, brilliant, unconventional, innocent. They know they are the My training Rolando Toro, two-time nominee for the Nobel prize, in my heart already winner of a record of emotional genius, capable of changing the course of human history. Eliane Matuk, for his spiritual closeness and his advice has always helped me to grow in the mission in person and trainer.
Pintore Eugenio Augusto and Magdalene, which led me to organize this Forum. Maite Bernardelle, which kept me by the hand in the first group of Biodanza clinic. Matteo Quero, Biodanza and administrator of our city, close to the idea Biocentric always with purity and generosity.
Association Biodanza Italy, the Veneto Region and the Province of Vicenza, who have offered their patronage, giving strength and credibility to the Forum. The sponsors that have helped to support the management of this immensity Forum: Unicredit Vicenza, Vicenza Credito Bergamasco, Banca Popolare Di Vicenza
A special thanks goes to who is and who will be playing at the Forum, because in Principle Biocentric each of us directs the process of life in the form required. We are all a dance, and who knows what happens.

Joan Benatti
Center Director Gaja
School of Biodanza "Rolando Toro" (Vicenza)
Creator and director of the Scientific Forum


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