Saturday, November 6, 2010

John Cena Rap Battle Kenny Dykstra

... What do they eat carrion? The first

This Marco Zucchetti, craft, home pennivendolo Berlusconi, already distinguished for items like this: "The new 'business' of the CGIL? Just metalworkers Roma and Serbs here," "Silvio loved by celebrities the world while in Italy the left Rosica," "The poet has changed Vendola" hero "by Carlo Giuliani Fini" and other pearls that those who have time to lose (like me) can go and read on site of The Journal wants a medal in more and publishes an article in which he attacks the traditional way carognesco none other than Father Alex Zanotelli.
The article in question - which I do not put the link should not be linked because some shit ever - titled "In the battle between TV frantic father beats Zanotelli Lerner" and is such a jumble of shame that I let the speaker more than I know the topic.
was back (I copy / paste) the letter from Don Renato Sacco, of Pax Christi, which offers a lesson in civilization at Inc. pennivendolo, which states: Dear Mr
. Marco Zucchetti,
I read your article in the Journal of October 27, 2010: 'In the battle between TV frantic father beats Zanotelli Lerner'.
I am writing not to go into the content (waste disposal in Campania, etc.). And not to take up the defense office of Father Alex Zanotelli or Gad Lerner. I think the people who know how to be above a certain way of writing, and certainly did not need to be defended by me.
I find, in fact, his article really disgusting, especially on the tone used against people. I think its really rude to write Father Zanotelli, stressing his clothes .... Already we have seen discredit the work of one person, a judge in Milan, from the color of socks. In his article, p. Zanotelli is almost ridiculed for wearing a "Magnum PI Hawaiian shirt worthy of a trip to the King Kamehameha Club, pashmina rainbow monumental ring on his finger ..."
Maybe she does not know that p. Zanotelli, which continues to be a missionary and not 'ex' as she wrote, he lived for 10 years in the Korogocho slum on the outskirts of Nairobi. I do not think you ever went there. I have been there only a week, and I assure you that is a situation circle of hell. The shirt that p. Alex wears is not Hawaiian, but ... is made by a cooperative of women's own slum where he lived. At least for this deserves a bit 'more respect, do not you think? And the 'monumental ring' is the covenant of loyalty to the indigenous peoples. Wearing a ring that is a big commitment to a person, not a ground on which to play.
P. Zanotelli, currently editor of Mosaic of Peace, to which I collaborate, sponsored by Pax Christi, has all our respect and our gratitude for his constant, consistent and courageous witness. Since most of the past.
I regret that, as is increasingly the case, instead of addressing the issues of ... address the people, perhaps putting them in ridiculous to turn off the power and prophetic witness, reducing them, as you say, a 'frantic'.
Sincerely, Don Renato Sacco

Bravo Don Sacco, you said what people have in their hearts they know what the work and participation in the sufferings of many men of religion, daily, constant, exhausting ... while your boss - Zucchetti blockhead! - Is bought and spupazza poor girls victims before the eyes dell'inamovibile moderate electorate!
Meditation is the least we can do!


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