Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Designer of death, another great success! Congratulations!

E 'dead at 28 Isabelle Caro.
Isabelle had risen to" honor "of the news for agreeing to pose for a famous photograph by Oliviero Toscani who testified to the terrible devastation of the individual and global Anorexia causes the disease in the body, after taking so much possession of the mind and destroy it by bending it to his dark kingdom.
E 'happened to her and we only heard more than a month later because he was famous. It happens to many girls and women (and in recent years even some boys) and we'll never know because this is a disease that is hidden, denied and it is difficult confront. For everyone.
E 'worth remembering that Isabelle has been a model? One of the girls from noble devastated the ranks of those who smile and designers squittenti sculettano of joy and happiness on TV while their bank accounts swell of trillions without insulting women's bodies, which they fashion designers (certainly not all, but he who is without sin cast the first stone!) cruelly shape the "pedigree" by the brazen theory of physical devastation of the female figure and the subsequent cancellation of that gender, which is both dignity, humanity and beauty unique and incomparable in the Universe .
Thanks to them. Really thanks! May God, and sees that there is, remember their contribution to human civilization! And we can not buy all of us no longer even a rag to wipe the floor with these guys!
are too abrupt?
E 'that pisses me off to the fact that blood and a thinking human being can send in catwalk instead of trying to heal and help and protect and love the immense suffering that must have heart in what looks like a girl in the picture ? (What exactly is Isabelle Caro).
Add this link to a blog that is much better than I do and the topic Comment on this article.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Plans Tobuild A Computer U


Second International Forum - Biodanza social and clinical
system Biodanza, a social education for the quality of life and care

Scientific Secretary:
dr. * Dr. Joan Benatti. * Dr. Eugene Pintore. Andrea Spolaor

Biodanza system, a social education for the quality of life and care

* Three days of workshops with theoretical and practical interventions to disseminate the marketability of the social system Biodanza
Practical lessons in the areas of:
Social Integration (civic projects for the integration and expression specific segments of the human community, as the third and fourth age, immigrants, Roma, Biodanza projects in prisons, human rights)
Biocentric Education (Biodanza projects for families and to the prevention and action against violence intradomestica / in school projects for primary and secondary education)
Biocentric Education / Clinic (Biodanza projects for the integration of children, adolescents and young immigrants / Biodanza for the prevention of child distress in areas at risk)
Clinical Biodanza (projects Biodanza with people with psychic medium and severe disabilities, behavioral problems and neurological disorders / Biodanza for rehabilitation drug and alcohol abuse / eating disorder / social projects for the prevention and stress reduction)
Biodanza for social workers (reduction projects Burn out syndrome in the social / Biodanza in enterprises for the relational quality time with common goals)

* Statements by the most qualified teachers and experts from social Biodanza:
Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Spain
* Speeches and lessons:
psychiatrists and psychotherapists / academics and public exhibition space documentaries
* audio / video and exhibitions from around the world
* Space Art

This Forum will be seeking for the second time as an important event such as a open and interactive space aimed at all practitioners and facilitators of Biodanza interested and involved to a greater contribution of the Biodanza System in the structure of our communities.
Will continue and amplify a fruitful and constructive debate on the increased incidence of extraordinary social education rooted in the principle Biocentric and provide theoretical and practical tools to lead more effectively this model in institutions, in cities and among citizens.
This space is a sum of the results of over ten years of clinical social work and promoted by the Centre Gaja Biodanza Biodanza School of Vicenza and is intended as a call to create a global network of Biodanza
able to reaffirm the social value of happiness

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Friday, March 4 arrivals from 12 to 16 hours
Lectio magistralis and opening conference of the Forum 17 hours

Saturday, March 5 9 / 21 Sunday 6
marzo 9 / 17

Participation costs BY November 30, 2010: € 250 including all workshops, theoretical and practical sessions and workshops enabled the Forum and full board accommodation in double and triple room (single room supplement € 20 per day) from Friday 5 Sunday, March 7.

Location: Spa Hotel Vergilius, convenient to the airports of Venice and Verona and Vicenza to the highway west. Visit the resort Vergilius Businnes

FROM DECEMBER 1, 2010: € 300
All members will receive a certificate of participation

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Reservation be effected by the transfer amount to the following bank: Center Gaja Credito Bergamasco of Vicenza Iban IT86Z0333611800000000001711
The reservation is effective upon registration by money, for any reason the cancellation condition can be considered for refund of the amount paid, but may eventually be transferred to the name of another member.

A short program details here: and
Info and Registration Infoline +39 0444 Gaja 569702 +39338 8992362

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5-6-7 March 2010

Creazzo (VI) Italy
(edited by Andrea Spolaor)
Association Biodanza
Italy Region Veneto
Province of Vicenza
150 members
Brasil Colombia Venezuela
Cooperative Margherita di Vicenza
David & Goliath Vicenza
David & Goliath Malo
Communicating Thiene
Ass Collision Thiene
Ass Diapsigra aid group The wind Noventa
Groups biodance ASL Brescia
John and Andrew are two scientific directors who have believed and believe in this reality
EUGENIO Pintor valuable protector of this great event
LUCIA captain "silent" that never sleeps for you to a month
GIANCARLO CLARA, important components the school of Vicenza
& ANDREA ANDREA all do well to accommodate
LUISA BENATTI responsible for organization and general secretary
FRANCESCO PERRONE chief engineer of the event, personal trainer Gio
ROBERTO, ISMAEL AND ANDREA COORDINATOR Natasha and our eyes behind the lens
ROBERTA ROSE public relations contact with universities and academia
ALESSANDRA MARCHIORI logistical assistance
Pierangelo Colombo & LAS MARIAGABRIELLA DONNINI with CODA and Tiziana ZABET Area biocentric education space for children

Propellerheads Record Authorize

The creation of this forum is the embodiment of a vision of mine that has generated more than 15 years ago, the gestation of this collective event took more than a year of reflection, patience, creativity and work. This forum would not have brought together without faith and the generous cooperation of dozens of people have offered ideas, time, space, resources and support of all kinds.
the time to celebrate reality in tribal form .. I feel a strong desire to thank:
my family, my mum and my partner Louise Francis el'incondizionato support for the patience to tolerate my long absences, and always celebrate my return at home, support and trust of my visions. Lucia, much more than a coordinator of the School of Vicenza, actually something like an angel toscanaccio protection. Pierangelo, Giancarlo, Clara, Ignatius and Francis: the network of Gaja. A heartfelt thanks to the intimacy and support during a long story made up of more than a thousand stories ..
Andrea, psychotherapist "street", a friend long-time companion in adventure gaming and street-view to give word to health rather than disease. Andrea & Andrew, champions of "doing" instead of saying.
Barbara, Daniel and Antonio, they must be the "open houses" and open houses for me is how to make a peaceful revolution!
My beloved students of the 2nd cycle of the School, who believe and support the original idea of \u200b\u200bRolando Toro, a Biodanza street and community. All participants of Biodanza clinical and social groups that have inspired my work: Epiphany, compassionate, brilliant, unconventional, innocent. They know they are the My training Rolando Toro, two-time nominee for the Nobel prize, in my heart already winner of a record of emotional genius, capable of changing the course of human history. Eliane Matuk, for his spiritual closeness and his advice has always helped me to grow in the mission in person and trainer.
Pintore Eugenio Augusto and Magdalene, which led me to organize this Forum. Maite Bernardelle, which kept me by the hand in the first group of Biodanza clinic. Matteo Quero, Biodanza and administrator of our city, close to the idea Biocentric always with purity and generosity.
Association Biodanza Italy, the Veneto Region and the Province of Vicenza, who have offered their patronage, giving strength and credibility to the Forum. The sponsors that have helped to support the management of this immensity Forum: Unicredit Vicenza, Vicenza Credito Bergamasco, Banca Popolare Di Vicenza
A special thanks goes to who is and who will be playing at the Forum, because in Principle Biocentric each of us directs the process of life in the form required. We are all a dance, and who knows what happens.

Joan Benatti
Center Director Gaja
School of Biodanza "Rolando Toro" (Vicenza)
Creator and director of the Scientific Forum

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sock Hop Invitations On A Sock

Anneo Marco Lucano ... sees far: nothing in power.

The determinants Calearo's Friends to trust the government B. (See post below). It 's crazy, but today Italy is in the hands of three subjects of this kind, and others who sell their votes in exchange for the mortgage payments or a place to be a secretary or any prebend. He was already mad that they could be in Parliament. And now maybe you will end up in a history book! This is a country lost in the cosmic nothing! (See picture).

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Does Genital Warts Burst

Things you can not hear ...

But how can people like these aspire to be the elite of the country?
But how can they ask for votes? Movement of national responsibility!! Listen carefully to the reasons for the establishment the new parliamentary group of Calearo's Friends!