Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Constipation 28 Months

Proposition "Establishment of the income office in the Emilia-Romagna "

publish the proposal of law filed in early February by representatives of the SEL-Green in the Region.

The theme of the precariousness and unemployment / inactivity, especially for the younger generation, has already assumed the character of a real emergency, which requires us to find solutions quickly. The effects of the economic crisis, combined with the lack of a universal model of welfare adequately to address the current situation, are increasing dramatically the number of people living at or below the poverty line.
We do not think the social income as a palliative to the lack of labor rights, but we consider it a measure by which you can groped on the one hand, to combat social exclusion arising from this state of insecurity of life and can enhance , second, the intellectual, professional skills and personal attitudes
citizens. Aware of the fact that a measure of this type will eventually find a solution complete and fully effective at the national level, we decided from our region, meanwhile, believe that the debate we're going to face on this issue could, among other things, serve as a stimulus.
beneficiaries of this bill as a whole is all the regional audience of unemployed, employed and unemployed with no employment contract to permanent full-time, who do not receive more than € 8,500 gross per annum. For the unemployed and the unemployed can benefit from
of these measures is conditional upon the performance of training courses and professional development geared to employment or reemployment within their professional fields.
We then decided to pay that income for one year, also for new graduates and those who have achieved here the title of Doctor of Philosophy.
Two channels are set in motion by the Basic Income: the income return for a direct, or the awarding of a monetary sum to a value between 500 and 800 euro gross per month (up to a maximum of 6,500 or 7,200 € gross per year), and that the payment of income is indirect, consisting of a set of measures of social integration (facilitation for leases and financial award of a Charter of Services "for easier access to public services and cultural).
For the implementation of this income we have expected, over the establishment of a Regional Fund for Basic Income, a Social Fund contributions for the income to be built with the social partners and supported by employer contributions established by negotiation. This is a particularly important because it leads to greater accountability of employers on these issues and put a stop to the inappropriate use of the work completed.

View details on the beneficiaries of the bill:

View details on income (direct and indirect) of the bill:


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