Saturday, February 19, 2011

Locate Someones Mental Health Records

CS Our adherence to the manifestation of Monday, February 21

The resignation en bloc of the audit of financial statements of the City of Parma has highlighted the dire state of public finances and worrying of our town.

E 'became clear a debt resounding formed despite numerous reminders of the auditors, but also fueled by turns obscure accounting.

For this reason we have asked in recent days to our town administrators to take a step back and leave the job immediately, because we are not honoring the trust received from citizens.

Monday, 21 February the Municipality of Parma discuss yet another resolution-saving Stt, threatening to further undermine the future of the City of Parma under the weight of a huge debt burdened by yet operation financial unbiased. We

Monday, February 21 at 17 we will be under the arcades of the grain adhering to the initiative of the Coordination Board of the movements and opposition groups to demand the Mayor to stop. And resign.

Parma, 20 February 2011

Left Ecology and Freedom

Executive Parma


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