Monday, February 28, 2011

The Kelly Family,barbie


for democracy for the people of North African

Left Ecology Freedom of Parma, at this moment highly significant and dramatic joins with its members and supporters to support of North African peoples' struggle for democracy and for the condemnation of the massacres in Libya by a criminal tyrant Gaddafi. At the same time joins in the national movement "First March Together Against Racism.

We therefore Tuesday, 1 March from 17.30 in Santa Croce square.

integration in Italy is unfortunately too often seen as a problem and almost never as a right, is more urgent today than ever revive the path of dialogue and solidarity to promote genuine peace as a vital element in building relations between different cultures, it is urgent to combat the growing feelings of intolerance and racism that lurk in the country.
Italy today is dramatically without tools to cope with the migration, you are scared, and instead of tools, from a political, economic, cultural, at best dealt with migration as a humanitarian emergency and the worst cases as a security issue.
not denying that there are difficulties in managing the huge flow of migration that is happening in our country and that could increase dramatically in the coming months, we denounce the wrong answers to this government, answers discriminatory, inhumane, racist.
Introduction the crime of illegal immigration from the Berlusconi government is an abnormal entity: a person becomes a criminal without having committed any crime.
policies are punitive and security that this government has in place to determine the illegality of hundreds of thousands of people, fueling the illegal work in the fields, on construction sites in the factories across the country, yet for all this research easy consensus on the skin of migrants.
We, the people with common sense knows, that foreigners in Italy are not a criminal and steal our jobs, home, the place in kindergartens, schools. Foreigners in Italy are to build a life, to search for conditions a decent life.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Huge Stuffed Pigs For Sale

Presidio democratic

for democracy in the countries of North Africa in the fight
for Democracy in countries North Africa in War

Contro le stragi di civili in Libia
against massacres of civilians in Libya

Sabato 26 febbraio ore 17
Saturday, February 26 17 hour

Piazza Garibaldi-Fidenza
Square Garibaldi - Bicester

Presidio Democratico
Garrison Democratic

invite all political forces, movements and trade union associations, citizens, to join us with their flags in support of North African peoples' struggle for democracy and for the condemnation of the massacres of a madman criminal Libya

Left Ecology Freedom
Club Bicester and TV

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Long Don John Penis Pic

About Qaddafi and Mr. B.

Some time ago I said "... Tell me and I'll tell you who you are ..." What's happening on our doorstep in the south these days is perhaps the prophecy?
Meditation is the least we can do.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Long For Blood Clot To Show Up After Flight




Sample Welcome Note For Blogs


Heather Brooke's Friend?


Post Scabies Flea Bites

All in Rome with Niki

"Change in Italy. Ideas for a Better Country "
February 27 \\ 10.30 \\ Theatre Tendastrisce
via Giorgio Perlasca, 69 - Rome (map )
Ecology Freedom Left decided to convene a major event with Nichi Vendola

An event to speak of an Italy that there is the reality, which is very different from the perched in the Palace and represented by the media and now a political class incapable even of dealing with a country lost. We want to speak of an Italy that wants to meet, that Italy still wants to meet the challenges of This, to bet on women, youth, men of a country that under the dust of Berlusconi still have desire for the future. To take it back, the future.
In a country driven to talk about the nights of Arcore, recent events (for students, women and men of 13 February) show that there is still a country capable of fighting with their own ideas, to believe that yes, c 'is a better Italy!
As you know, we have few means at their disposal, Left Ecology Freedom is a young party, where much is due to many and many volunteers who give their time, effort and passion to this project. This event will be their event. And for this we ask, as we have always done, to help us build together this event to make it part, to advertise, so that it becomes a meeting place for open and inclusive.
We want to give a picture in this country, as the students took to the streets in December, as those who yesterday, women and men, was in the thousands of squares in Italy for expression: a people and not just those who aspire to represent him, able to discuss and tested, without arrogance, without the safety of those who think being right, but with the certainty you want to do together.
See you on 27. Is there a better Italy. And together we will win.
Ecology Freedom of Parma is organizing a bus will leave from Parma
to 4.00 hours in place to be
return from Rome: departure at 15.30 (arrival 21.30)
To book send an emai l (with name + phone) to the following address: selparma.organizz @

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Locate Someones Mental Health Records

CS Our adherence to the manifestation of Monday, February 21

The resignation en bloc of the audit of financial statements of the City of Parma has highlighted the dire state of public finances and worrying of our town.

E 'became clear a debt resounding formed despite numerous reminders of the auditors, but also fueled by turns obscure accounting.

For this reason we have asked in recent days to our town administrators to take a step back and leave the job immediately, because we are not honoring the trust received from citizens.

Monday, 21 February the Municipality of Parma discuss yet another resolution-saving Stt, threatening to further undermine the future of the City of Parma under the weight of a huge debt burdened by yet operation financial unbiased. We

Monday, February 21 at 17 we will be under the arcades of the grain adhering to the initiative of the Coordination Board of the movements and opposition groups to demand the Mayor to stop. And resign.

Parma, 20 February 2011

Left Ecology and Freedom

Executive Parma

Friday, February 18, 2011

Vintage Suitcase Wheels


The City of Parma and its mayor denied the patronage of the national demonstration on Saturday, 19 Parma promoted by the "Committee to Save the Constitution" and who have given different accession democratic political forces, organizations, personalities from the world of culture, both national and local, and deserved personal attention by the same President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

the center of the event, in addition to the primary objectives to reject the heavy attacks to which it has long subjected our Constitution and to promote advocacy and awareness, memories of compatriot Laura Polizzi "Mirka", who died in recent days, taken as a symbol of the event as a partisan, fierce guardian of the values \u200b\u200bof the Constitution, the promoter in the 70's Committee Schools and the Constitution. "

citizens and anti-fascists in Parma gold medal of the Resistance, the birthplace of Picelli and barricades, the city of Mirka, do not deserve this insult inflicted by the new center-right government and its mayor Vignali.

Left Ecology Freedom of Parma, and also condemned without appeal the decision senseless and incomprehensible taken by the addition of center-sharing the reaction of the democratic and anti-fascists in Parma, invites all to make clear this sentiment participating in the mass demonstration next Saturday.

Parma, February 18, 2011

Left Ecology and Freedom

Federal Assembly of Parma

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Is The Highest Level For Triglycerides

Presidio antifascist Soragna

wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow 20.20 hours Thursday 17 wings in front of the theater
Soragna is expected a garrison during the anti-fascist
celebration of Memorial Day which was provided for the presence of
Lorenzo Salimbeni.
Historical revisionism does not help anyone. Attend.


Circle Left Ecology and Freedom
Terre Verdiane

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Can ı Made A Wood Statue


Thanks with all my heart to all women who were able to do this.

We are now at a crossroads of choices that will determine our future and the future of our children. We try to live up to what we've achieved. Thank you for opening the new road.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fixing Bicycle Dynamo Lights


Dear Friends with pleasure as we anticipate the promised program of the Second International Forum on Social and Clinical Biodanza. Hits: The program of the second forum (Italian, English, English)
... In evidence to the Forum:
* Videoconferencing Biodanza name:
Cezar Wagner (Brazil)
Alain Lucas (France)
* Space "Education and operators Biocentric Education" by the Association Biodanza Italy.
space open and free for teachers, members of the 3-hour Saturday afternoon
* Speeches by the main primary and psychiatry department directors Ullss Vicenza to support projects of Biodanza clinic.
* Corner devoted to the text input (method for communication of people with autism) to Organised by the "Communicating
* Presence of the major associations and the reality of mental illness and disability that support clinical projects Biodanza
(expects more than 50 participants with disabilities and discomfort psychic, the Forum members at this time)
Biocentric Area * Children (to come to the Forum with the whole family)
* Space art exhibitions and performances Under development
Area * Africa ( by Las Diouf)
Remember that you can participate in the forum even when you are residential.
Forum cost excluding accommodation and meals = € 200.00
Forum Cost = € 80.00 a day
Forum two days Cost = € 150.00
enrollment = reserve bank transfer. Detailed info on
you there! Animated confirm your membership!
A hug

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is It Normal To Have Chunky Cervical Mucous

Please look at this on FGM

Who can not believe it's part of being the same simply, very simply, the efforts of living beings a little, a little, to put an end to this barbarism perpetrated on millions of little girls in too many places in the world?

Please think about it and - as we think - at least pray for a light rips the veil from the eyes of men and break the chain of hatred gender. And so finally to be dragged into the abyss of hatred with all its evil cronies. And you can start a new story. Girls who will be this time!
Word of Man. Word of Anneo Marco Lucano (who has seen much of the ancient world and wants to see the beginning of the new world).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Does Shingles Look

Enough with the barbarism, enough with the MGF! Emergency Help

Below I copy / paste The text of ' appeal signed by citizens from around the world for the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation. Of course the invitation to sign it all and help in the fight against the barbarism of the worst human beings have imagined and then implemented so massive (every 11 seconds a child is mutilated!).
Firmiamolo everyone, but we speak, tell, mobilize effectively to achieve the first goal, which would return a little dignity and to human civilization.

We, the undersigned citizens around the world and human rights activists, gathered today after years of struggle for female genital mutilation to be recognized and condemned as a violation of the right to human integrity and conscious that a prohibition of the United Nations will strengthen and bring a new impetus the efforts are still needed to eliminate a practice anywhere in the world:
- asking the 65th General Assembly of the United Nations to adopt a resolution to ban female genital mutilation worldwide;
-ask our governments, so as all international and regional organizations, to support and promote the adoption of this resolution;
-invite citizens around the world to support and sign this call to ban this systematic and widespread violence committed against women and girls, in violation of their fundamental right to personal integrity.

here to see a video on the subject
And here's another post and another video

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Are Bangs Good For Big Noses

Cooking Italian Sausage Remove Skin

Egypt 2011. Listen to this woman.

Needless to say women are at the forefront when you go to change and we should be listening to them because they bring the wind of the new, courage, dignity and pride.
For a translation of what he says Asmaa Mahfouz click here.