Saturday, January 15, 2011

Grandmother's Birthday Verse

Mirafiori ... how beautiful! Spira tantu feeling.

Total Voters 4,621 workers
yes 2315 - no
2306 Total employees 441
voting yes 421 - no 20

Thus ended the referendum on the new contract "Fiat-Fiat-no-more" required by Marchionne, advocated by Berlusconi, Bonanni and Angeletti, supported by Cota, Formigoni Chiamparino, Fassino and dance company (which looks pretty crowded now we have to thank people for their enlightened intervention to defend the work of others!)
All united and compact, people in search of the humiliation of a working component now regarded as a mere appendage of the machinery, (SEE regard to the tables ergonomic assessment of work at the chain at the bottom of contract) , who spearheads the protection of the modernity and efficiency of production, who, more modestly, looking for some votes in the elections approaching ...
Now ... Begin at the festivities! will not be difficult for them: they have won by climbing on the bandwagon designated time, which has bought the lives of so many human beings for a billion of investments! (Maybe some crumb no escape even for the many supporters of the project ...)
For everyone else, a suggestion: leggetevelo really that contract ...
Leggetevelo well and meditate on what has been prepared for the future of those who will not be around much in the bunga-bunga.
add here the link to an interesting discussion on the impact of the vote that the agreement will be in different departments.
And also a link to the important debate between Cofferati and Ichino before the vote, debate in which we compare the reasons that inspired the yes and no to the referendum.


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