Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Causes Enlarged Uterus And Enlarged Kidney

Things that are good for the heart.

Finally a woman to lead the work. Greetings with all my heart.
"I think that this country has a future. It will be ruled by women"
(Erri De Luca)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Louisiana Drivers License Template

The leader in the party?

welcome with great excitement and sympathy lighting Mara Carfagna that, on the way to a sunset announced, he realizes that his party command "business" ... the Verdini, the Larussa ... even the Cosentino! The joy for this lightning is sincere because Mara seemed to be one of the most faithful to the line, the point of being suspected (unjustly for heaven's sake) to be where he was to have gone along - a lot - the Knight of the Pen Straight (to be distinguished carefully from the Knight of the Dura pen gun that is on the other curves) .
In the front row to attack and to accuse her of "betrayal" for the record, is the granddaughter of the Duce, that the party had deserted him and then get back to doing the job that suits her well, that of guard dog howling . We are waiting for the arrows of the second ex-fugitive and ex-wife of a plastic surgeon who has managed to redo it all ... except the brain ...
But the people where his head to give the country in the hands of certain individuals?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Extreme Grabber Driver

A big hug to Aung San Suu Kyi


Friday, November 12, 2010

High Bilirubin Levels What Does It Mean

We help with all Sakineh and Asia Bibi

"culture" male has thousands of years of practice.
And who practice refines theory.

Who knows the history of humanity - even the "surface" taught in schools - know that, in every age and in every part of the Earth, the power is not exercised simply for his own "health" a momentary, but builds structures of its perpetuation to the end to make this last forever "welfare".
This, even more than for the social classes, that is for the sexes.

Di these structures - simplifying - there are three macrotipi:
- "economy", namely the construction of production cycles and a labor organization that privilege always a part of society, not both to slavery and forcing it through the social and economic dependence ;
- "rules", that imposition of laws, regulations, decrees, anathemas, فتاوى and so on and so forth ... that forbid personal and social behavior, when practiced, bring into question the very legitimacy of the organization ' economy and society;
- "ideology", the true picture frame and set its historical substance. This is structured at a deeper level (almost subliminally) to provide a common basis and unanimistica of "consent" to the whole castle and social "legalize" in the minds of each and every "values" of a society, marginalizing those who bearer values \u200b\u200bof "dangerous" for the social order.

Why play the functions it is necessary that the roles of control are more "penetrating" and disseminated. Are not enough police and courts, it is necessary that the inspectors of the social order are the victims themselves of this order and are located in every neighborhood, every house, every school, every club and church ...
In a word: Who has the power to act primarily in controlling where every society, imposing - sometimes with brutal force, and sometimes with the face of an angel - the structures and rules of that society and thus institutionalizing their "right".

The first concern of those who govern the world - as always with my dearest friend and as is clear to every sensible person - is the oppression of women.
But the purpose? I would suggest - always with my friend and these persons of good sense - the end "tactical" is to gain control of the lives of women to reduce them to slavery to deliver the man to turn so I can vent about his personal "companion" his frustration at the oppression to which he is subjected from power. What
that many men do every day and not get too many questions about the origin of what eventually be considered just a "right", supporting the strategic goal of preserving social order and the dominant male power against women and anyone else / or foreshadow a social order (and human) "other" and dangerous.

But every man (and woman) who has love in my heart for humanity (in which all our lives is reflected), and even to himself, should be clear that the role of poor power that gives him the true power Golden is a pill that conceals shameful gratification - in reality - a perpetual codification of its own slavery to power.
We males should therefore be clear that taking this role play and becoming the "masters of women" means just become slaves!

So one can only collect appeal and take the side of women today are massacred in society, at work and often in their own family circle ...
Remember, economics, law, ideology ...

And, in turn, to appeal to women.
Help us to grow closer to you. And do it also opposing the penetration of power between you, gently but firmly. Male power which requires that role, providing some crumbs of personal gratification to those who are willing to take handmaiden of the powerful (and treacherous condition of its kind) without dragging their feet , it will not matter if the mothers, friends, fathers, friends, women and men together they will rebel and become set free.

Of course it goes without saying that women who have beaten up Asia Bibi, and had given to the male power because "finish the job" are just the long arm of males who have private identity MASK light of the world and continue to hold power and hold it with the ideology and stick. Of course it goes without saying
that women have fallen into this terrible trammel nets are therefore also victims because the meshed network and is very easy to get trapped, and because the power has many and varied tools available, among which fear and violence.
But it goes without saying that the positions adopted by women to "disarm" those hands would be of great use to the redemption men who want to help women (and even themselves) from slavery.

With you close and united we can finally do something we men, "By checking" and fighting in the ranks of our gender as male power structure and superstructure to recirculate energies that can lead to the freedom of humanity in which the gender distinction is a source of mutual curiosity and wealth, joy and pleasure similar to those that every human being when he stops to admire the beauty, variety and diversity of our world.
Something, finally and practically, that will help us to free ourselves permanently - without fear of repercussions - and deeply in the role really live by free human beings.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

John Cena Rap Battle Kenny Dykstra

... What do they eat carrion? The first

This Marco Zucchetti, craft, home pennivendolo Berlusconi, already distinguished for items like this: "The new 'business' of the CGIL? Just metalworkers Roma and Serbs here," "Silvio loved by celebrities the world while in Italy the left Rosica," "The poet has changed Vendola" hero "by Carlo Giuliani Fini" and other pearls that those who have time to lose (like me) can go and read on site of The Journal wants a medal in more and publishes an article in which he attacks the traditional way carognesco none other than Father Alex Zanotelli.
The article in question - which I do not put the link should not be linked because some shit ever - titled "In the battle between TV frantic father beats Zanotelli Lerner" and is such a jumble of shame that I let the speaker more than I know the topic.
was back (I copy / paste) the letter from Don Renato Sacco, of Pax Christi, which offers a lesson in civilization at Inc. pennivendolo, which states: Dear Mr
. Marco Zucchetti,
I read your article in the Journal of October 27, 2010: 'In the battle between TV frantic father beats Zanotelli Lerner'.
I am writing not to go into the content (waste disposal in Campania, etc.). And not to take up the defense office of Father Alex Zanotelli or Gad Lerner. I think the people who know how to be above a certain way of writing, and certainly did not need to be defended by me.
I find, in fact, his article really disgusting, especially on the tone used against people. I think its really rude to write Father Zanotelli, stressing his clothes .... Already we have seen discredit the work of one person, a judge in Milan, from the color of socks. In his article, p. Zanotelli is almost ridiculed for wearing a "Magnum PI Hawaiian shirt worthy of a trip to the King Kamehameha Club, pashmina rainbow monumental ring on his finger ..."
Maybe she does not know that p. Zanotelli, which continues to be a missionary and not 'ex' as she wrote, he lived for 10 years in the Korogocho slum on the outskirts of Nairobi. I do not think you ever went there. I have been there only a week, and I assure you that is a situation circle of hell. The shirt that p. Alex wears is not Hawaiian, but ... is made by a cooperative of women's own slum where he lived. At least for this deserves a bit 'more respect, do not you think? And the 'monumental ring' is the covenant of loyalty to the indigenous peoples. Wearing a ring that is a big commitment to a person, not a ground on which to play.
P. Zanotelli, currently editor of Mosaic of Peace, to which I collaborate, sponsored by Pax Christi, has all our respect and our gratitude for his constant, consistent and courageous witness. Since most of the past.
I regret that, as is increasingly the case, instead of addressing the issues of ... address the people, perhaps putting them in ridiculous to turn off the power and prophetic witness, reducing them, as you say, a 'frantic'.
Sincerely, Don Renato Sacco

Bravo Don Sacco, you said what people have in their hearts they know what the work and participation in the sufferings of many men of religion, daily, constant, exhausting ... while your boss - Zucchetti blockhead! - Is bought and spupazza poor girls victims before the eyes dell'inamovibile moderate electorate!
Meditation is the least we can do!

Friday, November 5, 2010

External Blu Ray Burner With Hdmi

victims of war ...

The first casualty of war is me. The first victim of War is the poetry and humanity. My story is this one, consigned to history in a short, but that is about all my life, I assure you that was very very intense.
Marco Lucano Anneo (Cordova, November 3, 39 - Rome, 30 April 65) was a Roman poet. Son of Mark Anneo Mela, was the nephew of Lucius Seneca Anneo and, thanks to the influence of his uncle, entered the court of Nero, in honor of which proclaimed, in a race that turned poetic winner, Laudes Neronis.
This was the brightest period in the life of Lucan. His poem, the Pharsalia (Bellum is headed in the manuscripts but civil, "Civil War") was also acclaimed. The
fate of the poet, however, changed radically when he fell into disgrace with the Emperor. The causes of this change in relations between the two are not clear. Some scholars have speculated that the reasons they were residing in a personal grudge, others have seen a logical consequence of the previous removal of his uncle Seneca, and others have accused the main cause filorepubblicana the position taken by Lucan in his work. In 65
Lucan also took part in the conspiracy of Piso. When it was discovered, he was forced to commit suicide at the age of 25, even though he was promised immunity in exchange for the termination of the mother, and his father was banished and his mother managed to escape from Rome. To his widow, Polla Argentaria, Dedicated one of Statius Silvae.