Sunday, September 30, 2007

Information Mattress Swatch

In 1867, John and Mario Fani Acquaderni give life to the Society of Italian Catholic Youth, "which takes its name after many years of Catholic Action. The motto that supports their efforts, "prayer, action, sacrifice," contains the program that inspired: devotion to the Holy See, the study of religion, the testimony of a Christian life, the exercise of charity.

In 1923, there shall be a total restructure of the Association.
Catholic Action was formed in four sections: the Italian Federation of Catholic Men, the Italian Catholic Youth Society, the Italian Catholic University Federation, the Union of Italian Catholic Women.

Catholic Action during the fascist period, is the only reality extraregime that has the legitimacy to operate in a more or less autonomous.
Mussolini in 1931, contrary to agreements previously set, order the closure of the circles AC and he, in fact, captures the fear and threat inherent in training they perform. Reports between Catholics and the scheme is finally cracked after the partnership between Italy and Nazi Germany.

aftermath of World War II, the desire for rebirth joins the desire, expressed in different forms in Italian society, to rebuild the country's democratic foundations. It valued the contribution made by the AC, and specifically by the university and Catholic intellectuals, the drafting of the Constitution.
In the postwar years a growing number of adhesions in 1943 and members are about 2,500,000 in 1959 to reach 3,372,000.

The Second Vatican Council interprets the spirit of renewal that anxiety. The event fully reconcile legitimate the mandate of the mission of the laity and, for the first time, he speaks specifically of AC as a training school for lay leaders, which takes up the end of the Apostolic Church.

were the years of the National Bureau of Vittorio Bachelet.
In 1969, the AC is given a new status, which is organized around the life of associations in two areas: youth and adults. It stresses also the need, as an association, to put at the service of the local church.
body takes the educational intuition AC, ACR, relying on experiential cut, opens a new way of catechesis. Mature with greater awareness of the fact that attention education must transform itself in style and experience of the whole association.

In the mid-80s inspired the drafting of the training project apostolic unity and define the methodologies and ways of learning for different age groups.

The new millennium began with a charge of news and a strong striving for renewal of the association.
During the Extraordinary General Meeting of 2003 approving the updated state and there is the urgent need to rewrite the training project, so that the service to individual communities is a reflection of a church that can "cross-sell, soliciting applications for lives of men and women of this millennium.


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