Thursday, March 10, 2011

Does Frostbite On Dogs Go Away?

PRESS RELEASE March 12 appeared for the defense of the Constitution and the public school

LEFT ECOLOGY AND FREEDOM ', fully endorses the March 12 event, held in the Italian constitution and safeguard the public school, brought to its knees by the infamous policy of the Berlusconi government, which with the latest statement has finally revealed his intentions: to discredit the Italian school system that denies our children a better future.

In this regard SEL asks

-cuts and the immediate withdrawal of an investment plan for a public school special mass, democratic, participatory and quality (Repeal the Law of the bill and Gelmini Aprea)

- Taking on all temporary vacancies;,

- raising the threshold to 18 years of 'compulsory education;

- The decrease in the number of pupils per class;

- A regional vocational training complementary and not alternative to the education system;

- A national plan for school construction

,-A system of training and recruitment transparent, taking into account the current precarious situation, which enabled, working for years, included in the provincial lists are exhausted.

On the University, despite the extraordinary movement of students and scholars flourished in recent months, has not managed to stop the Ddl Gelmini, a draft bill that starts the universities on the road and dell'aziendalizzazione Research on that, more and more structural, the insecurity. The present task is to constantly monit status of various University committees, and then move the political battle on the Ddl Gelmini decrees. The common goal must be to to rebuild the relationship between culture, knowledge and work, from the bottom up, by those who animate these dimensions to imagine a better Italy, innervated by the need to drastically reduce social inequalities and redistribute income and wealth.

Parma 10/03/2011

Left-Ecology Freedom Federation of Parma

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Netopia Ter Gusb2 N Drivers

Friday, March 11 - Ilaria Cucchi presents the book "Let me tell you were not just"

How Expired Do I Know If Vigamox

Wednesday, March 16 - The night of the search